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43°16'31.4"N 5°23'35.9"E


49°16'18.7"N 123°09'43.7"W

follow the roaming



I've always been fascinated by complex systems. An environmental scientist by training, I've studied some pretty whacky things, including:





More recently, I turned my attention to cities and the people living in them. I've explored:


  • how cities are hardwired to be unequal

  • how websites like can be used to analyse job access inequality

  • how information spreads through networks of homeless people


The tools I use to tackle these problems include statistics, numerical modelling, geospatial analysis and machine learning. 




In my job at an exciting mobility technology startup, I use data to unearth behavioural traits, exploring:



Apart from being a data nerd, I'm very interested in the ways research can be communicated to policymakers, decision-makers and the general public. My efforts range from tweeting and blogging on Medium, to writing briefings for parliamentarians and helping to produce broadcast documentaries



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I give talks about a wide range of science and policy topics at universities, businesses and local schools. I love this stuff, so get in touch if you'd like to hear more for yourself!

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